Download the complete Viking SCADA Installation, configuration, operation and programming manuals along with product brochures and watch videos.
All files are in the Adobe Acrobat format, and Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the files. If you do not have it click here to download it. The manuals may be saved to your PC by right clicking on the link, then selecting “Save Target As….” when you will be prompted for the save destination.
Brochures & Flyers
All files are in the Adobe Acrobat format, and Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the files. If you do not have it click here to download it. You will find more detailed information about Viking SCADA within these brochures and flyers.
Download Software
Note: this file has restricted access – call for password. This is the latest field installable firmware upgrade for the SCADA32, with the new RTU32Boot upgrade PC software. If needed the USB comm port driver is included in the Viking SCADA32 software above. Version 3.2
Note: this file has restricted access – call for password. This is the latest field installable firmware upgrade for Viking SCADA 4 / 16 devices that support the 4G protocol for communication with the RF32 and DAQFactory hosts. Includes higher resolution analogs inputs (no hardware changes needed), support for 255 units in a cluster, operation as a slave in mixed classic / 4G modes, more accurate tank level control and many more features. Version 5.7 Note If using as a master with 5.1 or higher installed it can only communicate with 4G capable units ie RF32’s or RF4/16’s with 5.1 or higher installed.
This is the latest PC configuration and control program for the RFSCADA32. Includes the USB comm port drivers and Modbus map. Version 2.3 fixed TCP/IP and other minor bugs.
The main configuration and setup utility for Viking SCADA RF4, RF8, and RF16 devices. Allows configuration, setup, monitoring and testing of these Viking SCADA devices. Supports new firmware uploads to older Viking SCADA products. Version 4.8
These are the Maxon radio programming software and USB-serial port driver files for the ACC-2016E radio programming interface.
Download the Friendcom software.
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